Bottle Adapters and Syringes

Bottle Adapters and Syringes

We offer a range of push-in bottle adapters and syringes which, reduce waste and make administering liquid medicines safer and more secure.
Great for kids, the elderly and pets too.

We offer a range of push-in bottle adapters and syringes which, reduce waste and make administering liquid medicines safer and more secure.
Great for kids, the elderly and pets too.

Prevent Medicine Spills

Select our bottle adapters and forget about
the anxiety caused by spilt medicine bottles.

Peace of mind for everyone.

Prevent Medicine Spills

Select our bottle adapters and forget about the anxiety caused by spilt medicine bottles.

Peace of mind for everyone.


Read what our customers think

We have hundreds of happy customers who have found out for themselves that using our bottle adapters along with our oral syringes makes administering liquid medicines so easy.

This super safe system eliminates waste and reduces costs by; preventing spills and increasing dose accuracy.

Helpful Hints

How to insert a standard bottle adapter

How to measure your medicine bottle neck

How to insert a SealSafe bottle adapter

How to use a bottle adapter

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